From Pine View Farm

DIs Coarse Discourse 0

Dick Polman foresees the next round of “On the One Hand, On the Other Hand”:

On NBC News the other night, anchorman Lester Holt reported that Donald Trump was pivoting to a more presidential image. In the measured tones that we commonly associate with “objectivity,” Holt said: “Trump’s comments appear to signal a more moderate shift…”

When I heard that, I sighed to myself, “Right on schedule. The normalization of Trump has begun.”


That one candidate, regardess of how anyone might feel about her policies, has the demonstrable experience and qualifications to run the world’s preeminent superpower; and that the other candidate, by dint of his temperament, his zero public service experience, and his racism, xenophobia, and misogyny, is manifestly unfit.

Everything in that paragraph is factually incontestable. But most of the reporters, hewing to traditional standards, will pretend otherwise. They will be compelled to find “balance” – or, as we more accurately call it these days, “false equivalence.” And as evidenced by the episodes I quoted earlier, they’re already doing it. Their implicit mission is to place both candidates on the same plane. Their ’16 mission, in the brilliant words of one analyst, is “to make it Coca-Cola versus Pepsi, instead of Coca-Cola versus sewer water.”

Follow the link for more.


Well, that answers the question at the end of the previous post.


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