From Pine View Farm

May, 2016 archive

“No Municipal Wireless for You” 0

Shorter Kerry Dougherty: Other people can’t have nice things.


Light Bloggery 0

Break time.


NRA Paradise: The Movie 0



Jose Ortega y Casset:

Barbarism is the absence of standards to which appeal can be made.


Everyone Deserves a Slice of the Pie 0

Having dutifully paid my child support, I have mixed emotions about this.

A court in Padua has ruled in favour of a divorced father who pays alimony to his ex-wife in the form of pizza, Il Gazzettino reported.

He was ordered to pay €300 in child support for the couple’s daughter each month as part of the divorce settlement, and the professional pizza chef chose to make the payments in the form of delicious pizza – something his ex-wife was not happy about.

According to the rest of the story, one factor affecting the judge’s ruling was that the man does not make enough money to pay the full cash amount.


The Meaning of Trump 0

Werner Herzog’s Bear looks at the news and hazards a guess:

By embracing Trump, the GOP may finally be admitting that they are indeed the White Man’s Party.

Follow the link and find out why he says that (and, no, the Republican Party will not admit that “they are indeed the White Man’s Party”; “plausible deniabilty” will be maintained).


Decoding De Code, Voter Fraud Fraud Dept. 0

Emily Mills parses the testimony in the suit against Wisconsin’s gut-out-the-vote law.

Read it.

Meanwhile, regarding a related issue, Roger Chesley, writing in my local rag, parses the press releases about Virginia’s voting restoration kerfuffle.


The Tarheel Potty Police Report for Duty 0

Warning: NSFW.


Rationalizing Racist Behavior–It’s a Thing 0

I say that there is no way to explain away the racism in this, but I predict they will keep trying.

I’m a Southern boy. I see through racists’ bullshit because I grew up surrounded by it.


Plus Ca Change 0

Title:  The Holdouts.  Image:  Row of Sanders supports hold ing up letters.   They dropped some of the letters that spell out B-E-R-N-I-E S-A-N-D-E-R-S, but are still holding up N-A-D-E-R.

Via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness is essential to domestic tranquility.

A half-dozen police cars and emergency vehicles lined the 2000 block of Carroll Avenue. About 45 minutes earlier, a 10-year-old boy shot an 11-year-old boy, the woman’s son, with a handgun they found inside the house, police spokesman Scott Leamon said.

The two boys had been playing with the gun. The 10-year-old called 911 at 12:18 p.m. to report the shooting, Leamon said.

Just another day in NRA paradise.


Stray Thought 0

I really don’t want to know what it means when you’re on a bike ride, stop for a drink of water, and look up to see a turkey buzzard circling above your head.

Not at all.



Robert Green Ingersoll:

It is an old habit with theologians to beat the living with the bones of the dead.


Droning On 0

The question is not whether, it’s when: When will some boy bring down an airliner with his toy?

The pilot of the airliner “expressed his surprise” after spotting the object shortly after take-off, the UK Airprox Board (UKAB) said.

He was turning right at an altitude of 450 metres (1,500ft) – a “critical phase of flight” – when the incident occurred.

The report stated that the drone was “extremely close to the aircraft”, passing just 15 metres above and 30 metres to the left.


Twits on Twitter 0

Bob Molinaro spots a sporting twit:

Bottom line: After UCLA signed a $280 million shoe and apparel deal with Under Armour – the biggest for a college program – Bruins quarterback Josh Rosen put up an Instagram that read, “We’re still amateurs though. Gotta love non-profits.” The post was taken down, but the sentiment resonates.


Facebook Frolics 4

Build your own bubble.


It’s the Privilege 0

In a long, thoughtful post at the Boston Review, David Sehat analyzes the history of conservative Christians’ assertion that that “freedom of religion” means “freedom to discrimination”; he concludes it’s about power, not piety.

A nugget (emphasis added):

But once Christian conservatives realized that they were not, in fact, in the majority, they turned RFRA (the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993–ed,) into a weapon. Complaining of a war on religion, they sought exemptions to otherwise-applicable laws. They also began to pass religious freedom acts on the state level, even before the Court’s rulings on gay rights in Lawrence and Obergefell. An extensive 2006 New York Times report found that, thanks in part to state-level RFRAs, religious organizations across the nation enjoyed exemptions to laws dealing with taxes, immigration, discrimination, employment, pensions, child care, and land use, among other issues. The objective has been to carve out ever-widening swaths of life in which places of worship, hospitals, schools, daycare centers, and—with the Supreme Court’s ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores (2014)—for-profit businesses no longer have to abide by generally applicable law, if they can make a claim on the basis of religious freedom.

Read it.


The Privatization Scam 0

It’s a con, perpetrated those who believe that there is no such thing as the public good.


When Winning Is the Only Thing . . . . 0

Image One:  Republican Elephant listing objections to Donald Trump (uninformed, divisive, immature, ignorant, etc.).  Image Two:  Republican wearing Trump hat dreamily saying,

Via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Worship with politeness.

From Pine View Farm
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