From Pine View Farm

Craven Image 4

Man to woman:  The only way to end this violence is to convince these zealots to abandon their radical ideology.  Woman gestures to Congress bowing down before an gun-shaped idol and a priest in NRA vestments, say,

Via The Bob and Chez Blog.



  1. George Smith

    June 18, 2016 at 5:03 pm

    You should look up Stanley McChrystal’s op-ed at the NYT decrying the gun culture that’s turned the US into a warzone. This shouldn’t be a warzone, he said. He was emphatic that it must be everyone’s mission to stop the gun slaughter. Unfortunately, he left out all the details on how to carry out such a mission.

    McChrystal was the top general in Afghanistan and he was from the tactical school of aggressive punishing actions and bumpoff campaigns, which he duly and thoroughly carried out. We can see that as for an effective long-term mission, it did not work.

    Anyway, thought it was interesting in a bleak kind of way. When the Pentagon’s top hit man says he’s shaken up…

  2. Frank

    June 18, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    Some commentators I follow have said that they have sensed something different in the reaction to this one.

    I hope it is true, but optimism about the American fascination with purchasable auxiliary penises left me a long time ago.

  3. George Smith

    June 19, 2016 at 3:56 pm

    I was trying to convey the point I think McChrystal was hedging. I think he knows full well that one of the salient faults of the “American exceptionalism” is the totally unreasonable number of M-16/AR-15/etc assault rifles and the ease of getting them in the hands of civilians, of which a certain small but not trivial percentage can be guarantted to be very stupid, fully insane (closeted and uncloseted), unbalanced or maniacal. And I think he also did not wish to feel the full fury of the NRA, gun bully America and weapons manufacturers.

  4. Frank

    June 19, 2016 at 4:12 pm

    I would agree.

    Everyone who wants to protect access to a main stream media (you will pardon the expression) paycheck these is hedging.

    Not only are they afraid to call a snake a “snake,” they are afraid to call it a member of the ordo squamata.