From Pine View Farm

Merchants of Death 2

In related news, a letter-writer to The Roanoke Times reminds us that to the victor belong the spoils.

Video via Kos.



  1. George Smith

    June 21, 2016 at 10:28 pm

    You could’t pay me to watch America’s comedians use obvious national failure as material. I stopped watching Stewart years ago, won’t watch Funny or Die and haven’t seen even one second of Samantha Bee.

    They’re not the smartest people in the room and I don’t need their wisdom to direct me to the back of my hand. No one else does, either, unless you want to nod your heads in agreement with how stupid it all is, laugh along with them into hell as they make their living off it.

    Vultures, tearing off bits of the rot, flinging it out as cathartic entertainment that purports to saying what others can’t, or won’t or whatever.

    Separating the explanation of the nature of excrement via mass audience corporate video from the actual excrement isn’t worth 25 cents.

  2. Frank

    June 22, 2016 at 10:59 pm

    You are not the person who needs to be convinced, because you are sane, but you are welcome to your choices. I will not question them.

    Humor is a powerful weapon, one that seems, sadly, much more powerful than reason. I’m just a second-tier blogger and don’t pretend to be anything else, but I’m willing to use any tool at my disposal to promote truth, justice, and the American (sic) way.