From Pine View Farm

Lies and Lying Liars 0

Werner Herzog’s Bear points out that Donald Trump’s political success is built on decades of Republican lies. Indeed, Mr. Bear’s catalog of Republican lies rivals Homer’s catalog of ships. Here’s just a few from the list:

Trump perhaps understood something that others in the more august corners of our media have failed to see: the modern conservative movement is built on lies that are endlessly reinforced through the propaganda arms of Fox News and talk radio. I’ll name a few. The lie that cutting taxes on the wealthy leads to prosperity for all. The lie that people are poor due solely to their own laziness and other shortcomings. The lie that America is an exceptional nation that is the greatest country that ever existed. The lie that American history is an uninterrupted march of freedom. The lie that institutional racism does not exist. The lie that global warming does not exist. The lie that evolution is merely a controversial theory. The lie that there is a war on Christmas.

That’s just part of his list. Follow the link for the rest.

I do have one quibble.

I do not believe that “our media have failed to see” any of this.

I believe that our corporate media, with a few exceptions as unheeded as Cassandra, have actively chosen not to see it; they prefer horse-race coverage and the broadcast ratings it brings, false equivalences, made-up scandals such as Whitewater and Benghazi, and the on-the-one-hand-on-the-other-hand both-sides-do-it narrative to accuracy, principle, and truth.

Like little Beltway Pilates, they wash their hands even as they cash their checks.


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