From Pine View Farm

By the Numbers 0

# of years of tax returns released:  Clinton, 38.  Trump, 0. # of emails released:  Clinton, 50,000+.  Trump, 0. # of times retweeted supremacists:  Clinton, 0.  Trump, 75+ since June 2015. Foundation donors public:  Clinton, Yes.   Trump, No. Debt to foreign banks:  Clinton, $0.  Trump, $650 million. Fined by IRS for illegal donations:  Clinton, No.  Trump, Yes. Violated immigration laws:  Clinton, No.  Trump, Yes. # bankruptcies:  Clinton, 0.  Trump, 6. Open investigations:  Clinton, 0.  Trump, Trump University. Fined for racial discrimination:  Clinton, No.  Trump, Multiple times.

Via PoliticalProf, who asks, “Really? And Clinton is the scary one?”


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