From Pine View Farm

November, 2016 archive

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Must have been the little white tail . . . .

A woman was fatally shot by a hunter after being mistaken for a deer in north-central Arkansas, authorities said Wednesday.

Searcy County Sheriff Joey Pruitt said the 29-year-old woman died Tuesday in an “apparent hunting accident.” Her name was not released.

She wasn’t wearing hunting orange, so it probably was her own fault.


Light Bloggery, Contd. 0

Holiday happenings for the next few days.


By Any Other Name . . . . 0

A radio station decides that words matter.


All the News that Fits 0

Donald Trump’s concept of “news”:

Drawing of New York Times front page in which all the news fawns over Donald Trump:

Click to see the original image.


The Petulant Elect 0

Via Raw Story.


The Chorus 0

Collection of Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, old white bigots, etc., all singing

Via Job’s Anger.



O. Henry:

Love and business and family and religion and art and patriotism are nothing but shadows of words when a man’s starving.


“It’s Not What You Said. It’s How You Said It.” 0

Josh Marshall.


“25 Years of Linux in Five Minutes” 0

Via LQ.


Welcome Wagon 0


Via C&L.


All the News that Fits 0

Will Bunch notes the corporate media’s selective perception. A snippet:

And as you can imagine, America’s airwaves crackled and its newspaper front pages were crammed with controversy over Trump’s conflicts, his business practices, the unusually divisive nature of his appointments … ha, who am I kidding? The only Trump-related news that made a dent this weekend was the Hamilton affair, when the Broadway actor who played one dangerous vice president, Aaron Burr, fired what many saw as a verbal shot at the incoming vice president, Mike Pence, after Pence attended the hit musical. The speech read by actor Brandon Victor Dixon on behalf of the Hamilton cast was pointed but respectful, noting that many diverse Americans are “alarmed” by what Trump has displayed so far and hope that he’ll somehow uphold basic human rights. The president-elect didn’t see it that way, tweeting in the early morning Saturday that the cast should “Apologize!” — and thus dominating the news cycle for the next 48 hours.

No one should have expected anything different from the media. Why educate readers about “the emolument clause” when the Hamilton story had it all — high theater, literally, and a simmering row between a rainbow coalition of coastal elites (and their beloved smash-hit play) versus a heartland vice president-elect … and his hot-headed boss. Suddenly, Trump’s remarkable fraud settlement and his business conflicts were a Page 17 story. Especially when he piled on by tweeting the next morning about how unfunny Saturday Night Live has become when several skits lampooned him or his supporters.


“. . . and Justice for People Who Look Like Me” 0

Caricature of Jeff Sessions and Superman holding the scales of justice and wearing a Confederate Flag cape captioned

Via Job’s Anger.


Light Bloggery 0

Out and about.


Detritus 0

Jim Wright looks at the first week of Trumpery and is less than impressed. A snippet:

Conspiracy theorists, the wretched refuse of failed politics, religious nuts, cashiered generals, Washington insiders, and the oily gray foamy fringe of congress. You’d be hard pressed to assemble a more homophobic, Islamophobic, misogynist, xenophobic, jingoistic group of science denying fanatical nationalists if you tried. We’re on our way back to being a nation of torture, rendition, and warrantless wiretaps. Out in the streets the racists are enthusiastically chanting hate and intolerance. Swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans are being painted on homes and businesses. Politicians and law enforcement are talking unabashedly about Internment camps and Muslim registries and rounding up immigrants. A Washington State lawmaker is right now promoting legislation that would charge political and environmental protestors with “economic terrorism” – and if you don’t understand why designating US citizens as terrorists in post-911 America is goddamned chilling, then you haven’t been paying attention these last 15 years.

Follow the link, read the rest, then weep for my country.

Next, don’t give up.



Jose Ortega y Gasset:

Hatred is a feeling which leads to the extinction of values.


“Make American Disgraced Again” 0

Via C&L.


Facebook Frolics 0

Froma Harrop has had enough of the Zuckerborg. A snippet:

Funny, Facebook bans pictures of female breasts in the name of decency but sees nothing indecent about putting lies into the mouth of Pope Francis. We refer to the total falsehood, seen almost a million times, that the pope had endorsed Trump.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Patrick Rael points out what should be obvious.

The problem is, the bigots have always believed they are just as American as everyone else. And why not? They’re right.

Read the rest.


Chris-Crossed 0

Chris Christie in the

Click to see the image at its original location.


“The Duck Dynasty President” 0
