From Pine View Farm

Reconcilable Differences 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Douglas G. Kenrick remembers how, when he attended Catholic Schools, the nuns would respond when he wondered how a merciful, loving God could allow misery and pestilence. Now he wonders how persons who loudly claim to worship a merciful, loving God could have supported Donald Trump and, in a larger context, what social function religious beliefs may play in the polity.

Here’s just a bit. Follow the link for the rest.

Trump, if you believe only half of what he has said about himself, is hardly a paragon of Christian values. Kindness, charity, humility, forgiveness, honesty, and non-violence do not seem to be Trump’s central traits. . . .

According to the Pew Institute, 58% of Protestants, 60% of White Catholics, 61% of Mormons, and fully 81% of born again Evangelical Christians voted for Trump. I just checked online, and found a very recent list Donald Trump’s cabinet picks so far. If I were back in St. Joseph’s today, I would ask the nuns how an all loving, all powerful, all merciful, and all powerful God could have allowed Christians to elect a man who has chosen:

  • a CIA director who calls those who use torture: “heroes, not pawns in some liberal game played by the ACLU,”
  • a treasury secretary nicknamed “the foreclosure king,”
  • an attorney general who said he thought the members of the Ku Klux Klan were: “OK, until I found out they smoked pot,”
  • a secretary of defense known for his warlike hawkishness (nicknamed “Mad Dog” Mattis),
  • a secretary of labor who is a “staunch opponent” of the minimum wage
  • a director of the Environmental Protection Agency who actively opposes environmental protections,
  • a Secretary of Commerce who has been “dubbed a “vulture” and “king of bankruptcy” because of his knack for extracting a profit from failing businesses,”
  • a chief strategist of whom the Guardian says: “His web site was a clearinghouse for hate speech of all kinds including white nationalism, anti-semitism, immigrant-hatred and misogyny.”

I guess the nuns might reassure me that “God works in mysterious ways, and we simply need to have faith in His infinite wisdom.”


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