From Pine View Farm

A Never-Ending Story 0

At the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, John Gurda begs to disillusion Americans, who seem peculiarly unable to remember history beyond last year’s Super Bowl, of the notion that the United States has a history of welcoming newcomers. I urge you to read it; it brings to life the to-true-to-be-parody rewording of Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, as noted in this nugget from the beginning of the article:

Trump’s attacks on Latino judges, Mexican “criminals” and the family of a fallen Muslim soldier were sometimes so extreme that they prompted cries of racism from leaders of his own party. They also prompted a wickedly clever twist on his campaign slogan. Instead of “Make America Great Again,” Trump’s opponents charged that his real aim was to “Make America Hate Again.” The epithet has appeared on T-shirts, baseball caps and, of course, bumper stickers.

The “again” part has raised numerous eyebrows. The implication that America was once a nation of haters strikes many people as simply inaccurate. Hasn’t the United States always been a country of newcomers? Didn’t we always open our door to “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”?

Well, no. In fact, hell, no. The vein of xenophobia that Trump has tapped to such great effect is as old as the republic. One group after another has tried to pull up the gangplank for everyone behind them, or at least to limit their freedoms.


I’ve never quite understood the type of racism that shouts at African-Americans, “Go back to Africa!”

It not as if their ancestors came here willing–oh, never mind. Stupid is as stupid does.


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