June, 2017 archive
Just Deserts 0
Dick Polman points out that you get what you vote for.
Twits on Twitter 0
Tony Norman visualizes a crisis of conscience.
How Now, Brown Cow? 0
Vance Lehmkuhl wonders why Americans are so ignorant about cows and milk. Here’s a bit:
It’s one data point in a survey the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy conducted among 1,000 American adults testing folks’ knowledge of agribusiness. But the dairy-backed survey skipped a few other basic questions people might have trouble answering.
My answer is that, thanks primarily to “social” media, ignorance and a willingness to believe anything they see on a computer screen when they wouldn’t believe the same thing in print seems to have become a default setting. Follow the link for his answer.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Show politeness to your fellow motorists.
Police said the driver of the pickup truck then pulled out a gun in a fit of road rage and shot Roberson in the head, killing her instantly. Roberson’s car went off the side of the road and crashed into a wooded area. The driver of the pickup truck fled the scene down the shoulder of the road on Route 202 and continued onto Paoli Pike.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness is a family value.
Authorities said the 33-year-old father was showing his sons a 9 mm semi-automatic handgun when he inadvertently shot Olivia as she walked into the room. Hummel told the 911 dispatcher he didn’t realize the gun was loaded when he pulled the trigger.
Just another day in Gun Nut Eden.
A Picture Is Worth 0
How Republicans want to cut the health care pie:
Click for the original images published by Paul Krugman.
Via The Daily Banter.
The Snaring Economy 0
The Tampa Bay Times’s John Romano has had it with Uber.
The New Doomsday Book 0
Meanwhile, Dick Polman argues convincingly that the Kock Brothers and their cronies are pulling Mitch McConnell’s strings.
Image via The Bob Cesca Show Blog.