From Pine View Farm

All the News That Fits 0

Jonathan Bernstein points out that news outlets that lean right are often preaching to the choir, even when there’s no there there. A snippet (emphasis added):

Trump’s $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia turned out to be almost entirely fictional — turns out that what “deals” there were preceded the Trump administration, and nothing in the new “deal” moved forward from previous tentative steps.

Trump on Monday held a mock signing ceremony for his decision to endorse privatizing air traffic control.

EPA administrator Scott Pruitt has been touting 50,000 new coal jobs that turn out to be closer to 1,000 new coal jobs.

The accomplishments of the Trump administration have a knack for turning out to be hollow — this week has been a pretty brutal reminder of that, and it’s early. But how does it affect Trump’s ability to govern?


On the other hand, it’s probably true that Trump has successfully convinced a lot of people who get their news mostly or entirely from Republican-aligned outlets that he’s having one fabulous success after another, so for example a CBS survey last month found 95 percent of strong Trump supporters think he’s “effective.” The problem is that catering only to hard-core partisans is pretty useless for a president, because those folks are going to buy whatever he’s selling regardless of what it might be.


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