From Pine View Farm

Nose. Spite. Face. 0

Paul Krugman discusses the economic divide that powers Trumpery and Republicanism. He points out how voting for Donald Trump and his enablers and sycophants is likely to have precisely the opposite effect that his supporters desire. A snippet:

And when it comes to national politics, let’s face it: Trumpland is in effect voting for its own impoverishment. New Deal programs and public investment played a significant role in the great postwar convergence*; conservative efforts to downsize government will hurt people all across America, but it will disproportionately hurt the very regions that put the GOP in power.

This, of course, is why the Republican Party focuses so much on cultural issues and the politics of hate. They know their economic goals cannot pass muster.

Follow the link for the complete article.


*That is, between poorer and richer states after the Depression and up till Reaganomics.


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