From Pine View Farm

Meta: Statistics 0

I do not obsess over how many visitors I have, because, as I have said, this is an avocation that started as method for learning more about Linux. I have nothing to sell and I’m not trying to “monetize” anything (to the best of my knowledge, no one has ever clicked on my “Donate” button and I really don’t care, but feel free to be the first:)).

(As an aside, I think that “monetization” is one of the most inimical concepts of our time.)

Nevertheless, I do from time to time check my statistics (which are not based on tracking cookies or anything of that nature, but simply on the contents of routine Apache logs). (In case you didn’t know, whenever you hit a website, your visit is logged by ip address; that’s just how the inner tubes work. Remember, the internet is a public place.)

I have been gratified to see that the number of persons who visit this site is recovering from the loss I experienced when I had problems early this year. I’m not doing this for gain, but I appreciate being noticed.

To everyone who visits here, thank you. I am thankful and humbled (and, frankly, pleased) that you find my musings worth your while.


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