2018 archive
Suffer the Children 0
There’s nothing quite like Christmas in Donald Trump’s kiddie koncentration kamps.
‘Tis the Season 0
Frederic B. Hill has a Christmas gift suggestion.
Bubble-Boy 0
Steven M. floats a theory. Here’s the gist; follow the link for his reasoning.
A quibble: I submit that we are all not “all in separate political bubbles.”
Rather, it’s the folks who choose to get all their news all the time from Fox News and its dupes, symps, and fellow travelers who have willingly en-bubbled themselves in Fox News’s nonsense nonsensical universe where up is down and down is–oh, never mind.
Wars and Rumor-Mongers of Wars 0
The Miami Herald’s Carl Hiaasen skewers Fox News’s annual phony-baloney “war on Christmas” schtick. A snippet:
Just a few days ago, former President Obama put on a Santa hat and delivered actual Christmas presents to patients at a children’s hospital in Washington, D.C.
What the hell, Tucker (Carlson–ed.)? To conservatives, no man symbolizes the rotten left-wing plague more than Obama — so why is he out there promoting this sacred Christian celebration?
Twits on Twitter 0
The twit less followed . . . .
A quibble. Facebook purges nothing on its ownsome. Once you have been assimilated by the Zuckerborg, the Zuckerborg does not easily let you go.
You can deactivate an account and remove it from public view, but deleting it is much more complicated.
The Flag Hugger 0
Via Juanita Jean.
‘Tis the Season 0
Connie Schultz tells a Christmas story.
“The Trump Doctrine” 0
Drew Sheneman spots the pattern:
When something becomes difficult, declare victory and walk away
Follow the link for why he says this.