February, 2019 archive
Lies and Lying Liars 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Stanton E. Samenow argues that there is no such thing as a “compulsive liar,” that is, someone who lies because he can’t help him- or herself. He suggests that what others may see as compulsion because it happens so frequently may, in fact, be convenience.
He cites an example (emphasis added):
Remind you of anyone in the news Follow the link for more.
Pokemon Gone Wild (Updated) 0
The stupid. It burns.
At the confluence of Pokemon, prejudice, and stupid, some good news.
The Art of the Con 0
Will Bunch considers Michael Cohen’s testimony before the House Oversight Committee and extracts the essence:
Follow the link for his reasoning.
Cohen Events 0
I gather that Michael Cohen’s testimony was quite the show, but I did not watch. As I’ve mentioned before, “read about it tomorrow” is my M. O.
Nevertheless, I agree with Elie Mystal. There was nothing of substance in it that anyone who has been paying attention did not already know, though there were a few new details and documents, and, no, it’s not going to sway the Trumpettes and may not even penetrate their Fox News bubble.
Shaun Mullen watched and has the blow-by-blow.
Gullible’s Travails 0
In Psychology Today, Gordon Waldman takes a look a bit of research that might account for some persons’ susceptibility to falsehoods presented as news.
Cashing Out 0
Signe comments on Amazon’s attempt to foist cashless stores on Philadelphia.
I see persons using cards and, these days, phones, for all sorts of tiny purchases, as tiny as a cup of coffee or a pack of gum.
I always wonder how the heck they keep track of them.
Lights. Tunnels. Ends. 0
Robert Reich is an optimist.
Stray Thought 0
One of the nice things about living in a condo is that campaign signs are prohibited.
A Four-Act Farce 0
Shorter Nicholas Kristoff: The play’s the thing wherein to catch the conscience of the king.
Russian Impulses 0
Shaun Mullen brings us up to date.
I note that Shaun’s analyses have been quite en point so far. (Me, I stay out of the prediction business. Later: Hell, it’s all I can do to keep up with what’s already happened.)