March, 2019 archive
Sins of Omission Omission of Sins
Bob Gibson suggests that Virginia should teach all of its history.
When I was a young ‘un in public school in Virginia, 1619 was taught as the “Red Letter Year.”
Just sayin’.
Mulling Mueller, One More Time 0
Mike Littwin points out that it ain’t over till it’s over. An excerpt:
If this were over, Trump could have simply declared victory and left it there. Instead Trump called the summary of the undisclosed report a total exoneration even as Barr, in his letter, says it was not, in fact, an exoneration, total or otherwise. So, Trump lies. Barr sighs. And anti-Trumpists desperately search for a reason to believe.
Field has a take on the situation that is also worth a read. A snippet:
Mulling Mueller, Reprise 0
At Above the Law, Joe Patrice argues convincingly that many of the initial reactions to the Mueller report are getting it wrong. Folks who had been hoping that Robert Mueller would turn into a Fairy Godfather and give them a magic pumpkin have been disappointed and are gnashing their teeth in frustration, without reflection.
The “without reflection” bit is the important bit; reflection is called for.
Here’s part of what he has to say about Attorney-General Barr’s “summary” letter (emphasis added):
This matters because a description of Mueller’s “decision” that reads much closer to “As discussed, making a determination on this issue would exceed my mandate so I have made the decision to present the evidence I found without making a determination one way or the other,” would make for a very different hearing before the House.
The whole thing is worth your while.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite when seeking entertainment at your local cineplex.
The shooting was the result of an argument over seating in the theater, and was not considered an “active shooter situation,” said a statement issued by police.
Russian Impulses, Mulling Mueller Dept. 0
Methinks Ed over at Gin and Tacos makes a good point.
I also commend Shaun Mullen’s take on it to your attention.
It is unquestionable that Russia worked surreptitiously (and sometimes titiously) to promote Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency. It also seems likely that there was some coordination with various Trump flunkies and family members (the Trump Tower meeting being the most prominent indicator thereof). Nevertheless, one question has nagged me throughout all this (and may account for my not devoting as many electrons to the Mueller investigation as some others have), and I have finally figured out what it is:
To conspire with someone requires taking him or her into your confidence, at least to a degree.
If you were a wily operative like Vladimir Putin, would you take a buffoon like Donald Trump into your confidence?
College Daze 0
Celia Rivenbank considers various why rich parents chose to bribe their children into elite universities and suggests that there’s only one reason that makes sense:
Follow the link for her reasoning.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Introduce children to politeness at a tender age.
The infant was pronounced dead after being taken to Cape Fear Valley Medical Center, the statement said.
This sacrifice on the NRA’s altar of ammo was 21 days old.
I’ll stop now, because all I have left is profanity.
Priorities 0
Via Job’s Anger.
Fear and Mongers of Fear 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Arash Javanbakht explores the “politics of fear.” A snippet:
When one person kills a few others in a city of millions, which is of course a tragedy, major networks’ coverage could lead one to perceive the whole city is under siege and unsafe. If one undocumented illegal immigrant murders a U.S. citizen, some politicians use fear with the hope that few will ask: “This is terrible, but how many people were murdered in this country by U.S. citizens just today?”
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Hoist a drink to politeness.
The report goes on to say that “the gun went off,” implying that it fired itself all on its ownsome.
Speaking all on my ownsome, I’ve not yet met a gun that pulled its own damn trigger.
“Negligent” =/ “Accidental.”
It would be quite refreshing were news media to stop treating gun nut negligence as some aspect of inadvertence.