From Pine View Farm

The Case of the Base 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Vinita Mehta points out that the conventional wisdom as to the roots of Donald Trump’s support are not born out by facts (emphasis added).

It turns out that Trump supporters actually weren’t affected by foreign trade or immigration to a greater degree than his non-supporters. And, on average, they didn’t suffer from lower incomes and unemployment more than anyone else. Also remember that in 2016, overall economic conditions were improving.

So, why did Trump amass a larger following than expected?

She goes on to cite an article by Professor Thomas Pettigrew and to explore the five factors that he identifies as characterizing Trump’s core supporters, which include

      1. Social Dominance Orientation
      2. Authoritarianism
      3. Relative (i. e., perceived–ed.) deprivation
      4. Prejudice
      5. Intergroup contact (or lack thereof–ed.)

I commend the entire piece to your attention.


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