November, 2020 archive
A Bananas Republic, One More Time 0
Elvia Dias is concerned. A snippet:
That kind of defiance is nothing short of an overthrow of the will of the American people and is simply disgusting for Republicans to go along with it.
And, in related news, Georgia’s on my mind.
Maskless Marauders 0
At the Hartford Courant, Bonny Horwitz tries to wrap her mind around the maskless. A snippet:
Someone I know has recently recovered from a two-week struggle with COVID-19. He says the doctors called it a “mild” case. He made it clear that it didn’t feel all that mild while he had it. He said that the measure of “mild” must be not having to be put on a respirator.
I guess that, for the Maskless Marauders, freedom means never having to give a damn.
Twits on Twitter 0
“The medication made me do it” twits.
For some reason, this makes me think of one the original Charlie Chan mystery novels.
True Believers (Updated) 0 has a fascinating profile of a diehard Trump loyalist.
While I’m out getting a new cable modem from my ISP’s store (the old has been acting iffy for a couple of weeks), give it a read.
Dr. Jorgenson in The Sign of the Beast (I was unable to figure out which actor voiced the part):