From Pine View Farm

September, 2021 archive


Erma Bombeck:

Don’t confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other.


Revisiting the No-Account Recount 0

The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts reports on the no-accounters “reunion” and their constant search for straws for which to grasp. A snippet:

I particularly liked its (the Gateway Pundit’s–ed.) breathless report about the “spy plane” circling Veterans Memorial Coliseum in May. “EXCLUSIVE: Spy Plane Identified Circling the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum Where the Election Audit Is Taking Place – What’s Going On?” GP asked in bold blue letters.

Turns out it was a Phoenix police plane searching for a stolen vehicle and it wasn’t anywhere near the coliseum but … hey … facts.

(Typos correxxed.)


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

When you are walking with your child, demonstrate politeness.


The Pre-Existing Condition 0


The Soul Searchers 0

Two demons walking through the halls of Congress,  One says to the other,

Via Job’s Anger.


Courting Disaster 0

At Above the Law, Elizabeth Dye minces no words.


Poor Planning 0

Man grasping chest says to COVID patient in bed labeled

Click for the original image.

Here’s a bit of the artist’s commentary:

The second someone, like the president, states the truth and publicly blames unvaccinated Americans for the predictable rise in infections the civility scolds. I’m looking at you Jake Tapper, spout off about how finger-pointing is unproductive. Nonsense. There is a segment of the population that has been radicalized and no matter what you say or what you do, no matter how many friends and family members they watch slowly suffocate will they ever get the vaccine.


History Bluff 0

At the Idaho State Journal, Jesse Robison comments on America’s stubborn refusal to face its own history. A snippet:

I do love my country, but I am not a blind patriot. Too many years of learning the truth behind our national government’s ofttimes catastrophic actions have caused me to be wary about accepting our leaders’ representations on blind faith.

Many Americans are stretched thin, and people aren’t doing their homework in the United States when it comes to analyzing and understanding issues. Numerous political jurisdictions in America are also trying to control and/or revise the direction of our history through legislation.

Read the rest.



Elizabeth Loftus:

In real life, as well as in experiments, people can come to believe things that never really happened.


And Now for a Musical Interlude 0


The History Buff 0

Frame One:  MAGA-hatted man hugging statue of Robert E. Lee:  Don't erase our history!  Frame Two:  MAGA-hatted man erasing

Elsewhere, coincidental but relevant, Betsy Biesenbach reflects on what I can only call “selective historiography,” and Tony Norman delivers a case study.

Image via Juanita Jean.


Amendment, Amended 0

At Above the Law, Joe Patrice discusses the reasoning of a “Constitutional originalist” judge who has forcefully argued that the 2nd Amendment did not “originally” mean what the gun manufacturers and their dupes, symps, and fellow travelers claim it does. A snippet:

A lot of people forget that the “original” sources conservative jurists have relied upon for the current gun regime were written over four score and seven years after the Founding. If you’re wondering why they settled on a body of not-so-original testimony, it’s because they really did look into the original public meaning of the Second Amendment and learned that the reality of that legitimate originalist inquiry offended GOP lobbyists.

Follow the link for his full explication.


Vaccine Nation, Consequences Dept. 0

Maskless man holding sign reading

Click for the original image.


Vaccine Nation, Triage Dept. 0

Idaho’s hospitals are filling up with COVID patients, so much so that the state is implementing a plan that involves rationing care. Here’s a bit of the story (emphasis added); details at the link.

The move activates a plan that gives hospitals legal guidance and protection for how to provide care outside of the norm. According to the plan, scarce and potentially life-saving treatment can be rationed with a focus on saving those with the best chance of living — in hopes of saving the most lives possible.

Meanwhile, Mistermix looks for the common denominator among the states with the worst COVID numbers.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Lowering the bar on politeness.


Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! 0

At the Hartford Courant, Jennifer Schneider bemoans the loss of the concept of the common good.



Stephen Kinzer:

No authoritarian leader cedes power easily or turns it over to bodies he cannot control.

Q. E. D.


Geeking Out 0

I do likes me my pretty pictures.


Mageia v. 8 with Fluxbox. GKrellM and Xclock are to the right. Thunderbird and Firefox are shaded in a tabbed window. The wallpaper is from my collecction.

And, no, you can’t shade or tab applications if you use Windows.

Read more »


A Tune for the Times 0


Facebook Frolics 0

Diet of worms frolics.

The stupid. It metastasizes.
