From Pine View Farm

No Place To Hide 0

The EFF looks at the roundly debunked movie, 2000 Mules, and points out that, in addition to its outright lies and–er–dubious conclusions, the film highlights the invasive nature of our private enterprise surveillance society. Here’s a bit from the EFF’s article; follow the link for much more.

Putting aside the logical flaws of TTV’s (True the Vote, the organization behind the movie–ed.) voter fraud claims, the very fact that they were able to buy this much personal location data on hundreds of thousands of people’s lives, over a span of many months leading to election day, is appalling. But this is the data broker business model working as intended: by vacuuming up geolocation data from thousands of smartphone apps, data brokers package and sell huge quantities of highly revealing location data to anyone willing to buy it. And TTV is hardly the only customer: the U.S. military, federal agencies, and federal law enforcement are all customers to geolocation data brokers. Recently, one data broker was even found selling the location data of people seeking reproductive healthcare, which soon could provide states with draconian anti-abortion legislation new digital evidence to identify and prosecute people who seek or provide abortion.

And the irony! Even as persons were fretting about the “surveillance state,” those same persons failed to notice that private enterprise was assembling a corporate surveillance monster beyond anything George Orwell ever imagined. Heck, they turned a blind eye to it even as they happily agreed to those unread internet “terms of service” agreements that made it possible.


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