From Pine View Farm

How Far Will Wells-Fargo? 0

Pretty damned far.


I’m certain that these sorts of shenanigans can be explained by the confluence of old-fangled greed and the new-fangled sophistries of the Chicago school of economics. This led to the poisonous theory that the first responsibility of a business is, not to the health of the business nor to its customers, certainly not to its employees, but to its stockholders. You know, those folks who don’t work there and don’t buy there and certainly don’t rely there, but own a few scraps of paper . . . .

A poisonous corollary led to the notion that it was perfectly okay for predatory “investors” (think hedge funds) to loot and destroy perfectly healthy businesses, so long as the “investors” come out holding bags of looted wealth.

Not that I’m perhaps a wee bit cynical or anything like that . . . .


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