From Pine View Farm

A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy comments at the Youtube page:

So often, it seems that those who spout the slogan “America, Love it or leave it” are the sort that hate an awful lot of their fellow citizens and hate a good portion of The Constitution and even the basic tenets of democracy. Funny it never occurs to them that perhaps THEY should be the ones leaving, since the principles upon which our nation was founded seem to really rub them the wrong way. Marjorie Traitor Greene is a prime example of this type. She has said that states need to think about seceding. I imagine this is in an effort to make America more like Marjorie and her fellow unhinged conspiracy-loving friends, and less like the clear-headed, logical, well-informed citizenry Thomas Jefferson dreamt of. Good luck with that Marge. Mangy Fetlocks thought it was time someone told her that maybe SHE is the one who needs to leave, not the rest of us.


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