From Pine View Farm

September, 2023 archive

A Picture Is Worth 0

Tweet from someone calling himself

Via Yellowdoggranny.


Left Holding the Bags 0

Shorter David Mills: Plastic bag people, you’re such a drag.


Thanks to the arrival of the German chains Lidl and Aldi in our neck of the woods, we’ve become quite used to supplying our own reusable bags, and, frankly, it works out quite nicely. Usually, two of the reusable bags suffice where, before, we would leave the store with five or more plastic bags.



Alison Golden and Grace Dagnall:

Anger is poisonous to reason, and prejudice obscures facts better than a think winter fog.

Golden, Alison and Dagnall, Grace, The Case of Sampson’s Leap, (San Carlos: Mesa Verde, 2021) p. 310


A Tune for the Times 0

Mangy comments at the Youtube page:

So often, it seems that those who spout the slogan “America, Love it or leave it” are the sort that hate an awful lot of their fellow citizens and hate a good portion of The Constitution and even the basic tenets of democracy. Funny it never occurs to them that perhaps THEY should be the ones leaving, since the principles upon which our nation was founded seem to really rub them the wrong way. Marjorie Traitor Greene is a prime example of this type. She has said that states need to think about seceding. I imagine this is in an effort to make America more like Marjorie and her fellow unhinged conspiracy-loving friends, and less like the clear-headed, logical, well-informed citizenry Thomas Jefferson dreamt of. Good luck with that Marge. Mangy Fetlocks thought it was time someone told her that maybe SHE is the one who needs to leave, not the rest of us.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

At the Bangor Daily News, University of Maine professor Nicole Coffey Kellett argues that truth-full truth matters.


The Disinformation Industrial Complex 0

At the Las Vegas Sun, Mary Blankenship looks at how our polity has become flooded with lies and falsehoods; she points out that

When false narratives become our identity and reality the problem immediately evolves into a tragedy.

Follow the link for her reasoning.

And, in a similar vein, Robert Jay Lifton looks at a recent book about Timothy McVeigh and explores the influences that led him to violence.

Given the state of dis coarse discourse, both pieces are worth your while.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another oxymoronic “responsible gun owner” thought the gun was unloaded.

According to a witness at the scene, a gunshot went off in the apartment, and the teen walked into the room holding his chest and said, “Papa shot me.”

The grandfather confirmed that he shot his grandson with a Glock .45 pistol but said he thought it was unloaded.


How Stuff Works, the Wall Street Trade Dept. 0

Title:  The Corporate Hedge against Inflation.  Image:  Man points at a chart showing profits going up and responsibliety going down while saying,

Click for the original image.


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

Soar to new heights of fiendliness every day.

(Broken link fixed.)


The Uninformed and the Uninformers 0

Michael in Norfolk is not sanguine. A nugget:

In America today, however, what we have is something quite different with much of the population remaining happily uninformed mired in a world of reality TV shows and Real Housewives shows depicting never ending train wrecks of spoiled and selfish individuals. Meanwhile, much of the mainstream media is asleep at the wheel – just as it was in 2016 – and pretends that we are living in normal times and refusing to accept that one of the major political parties has become a cult worshipping a would be dictator.

Follow the link for the rest.



Alfred Adler:

It is always easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.


The Infringe Voter 2

Frame One:  Heavily armed man wearing a MAGA hat carries a sign reading

Via Job’s Anger.


The Wedding Industrial Complex 0

I also had two weddings, but they were years apart and to different persons.


The Empty Suit 0

One Republican Elephant looks inside box labeled

Click to view the original image.


A Stark Choice 0

Melinda Henneberger lays it out.


All the News that Fits 0

Frame One:  Image of Fox News cameraman filming rising rocket labeled

Via Yellowdoggranny.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Train your pets with politeness.

After his two-year-old dog attacked a new puppy he had brought home, a Florida Man shot the older canine to death with a weapon he retrieved from a gun cabinet, cops report.

According to a court affidavit, Shane Braley, 36, was “extremely intoxicated” last week when he executed the dog outside his home in Jensen Beach, an Atlantic Coast locale.


None Dare Call It Terrorism . . . 0

. . . because, as the Rude One points out, they are terrified. He cites an article from The Atlantic (warning: language):

And “Later, during the Senate trial, Romney heard the same calculation while talking with a small group of Republican colleagues. When one senator, a member of leadership, said he was leaning toward voting to convict, the others urged him to reconsider. You can’t do that, Romney recalled someone saying. Think of your personal safety, said another. Think of your children. The senator eventually decided they were right.” They’re not talking about crazed leftists going all Bolshevik on their asses. It’s the . . . MAGA cretins who are murdery. They’re the ones, primarily, who call in the death threats and bomb threats and show up at the houses of Democrats, armed to the tits with guns and ammo because open carry.



Joyce Carol Oates:

Homo sapiens is the species that invents symbols in which to invest passion and authority, then forgets that symbols are inventions.


Still Rising Again after All These Years, Reprise 0

Disparate treatment in the Sunshine State. Who woulda thunk?
