From Pine View Farm

Limits of Limits 0

Some persons seem to think that limiting the terms of elected officials will somehow fix things. (Indeed, my local rag has had several such letters in the past week.)

I doubt it.

Persons who vote for one fool will quite happily vote for the next fool.

A better solution is not to vote for fools, not to live in a bubble, not to tell yourself that there’s no differences between candidates or parties when there quite plainly is, to see through lies, to separate reason from emotion–oh, well, you know enough to add to the list.

Yet, in a longer post about the foolishness of the term limits myth, Atrios makes a point that I have not seen articulated previously mentioned before:

. . . term limited lawmakers have one eye on their next career from the moment they get into office. The balance between “pleasing voters” and “pleasing the people who might hire you” gets worse every day until their time is up.


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