From Pine View Farm

Racing Touts, Reprise 0

Field looks at recent news reports about polls and sees an ulterior motive suggests taking them a grain or two of salt.

Since broadcast news reporting is no longer considered a loss leader or a public service, but has come to be viewed by broadcast networks as a profit center, indeed, almost as a form of entertainment, rather than as a source of unbiased information, methinks he may have a point.

Here’s a bit from his post:

Democrats are freaking out over some recent polls showing Joe Biden losing to the former guy in five of six key swing states, and being down four points to him in total overall vote count. I have one word for you: Relax. This is the American press pushing for a close race so that they can improve their ratings around election season. Note how much you have been hearing about these polls of late? That is not by accident. They have an agenda.


I gave up on broadcast news years ago, except when there’s snow storm. I like pictures of snow storms. But we haven’t had a snow storm in these parts for quite a while.

Also, I didn’t used to be a cynical skeptic. People made me one.

For that matter, I didn’t used to be an avowed Democrat. Republicans made me one.


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