From Pine View Farm

A Question of Identity 0

Not long ago, I heard an apocryphal quotation from a fictional Native America chief. I forget exactly where, but it stuck with me. The chief was speaking to a cavalry officer and said something like this: “If you win a battle, it’s a victory. If we win, it’s a massacre.”

At Psychology Today Blogs, Joe Pierre explores the line between labeling acts of violence as “terrorism” or as “mental illness.” Here’s a bit:

In summary, evidence from several experimental studies indicates that we’re more likely to attribute terrorist violence to mental illness when the perpetrator aligns with our own personal identities or ideological positions. This appears to function in an identity-preserving way, allowing us to think of ourselves and our larger group identities as “good” by discounting violence perpetrated by those in our ingroups as an aberrancy of mental illness. Conversely, when perpetrators are viewed as “others,” in terms of either identity or ideology, we’re more likely to blame violence on ideological belief, with moral culpability assigned accordingly.

I think his article a worthwhile read, especially in the light of recent events.


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