From Pine View Farm

Putin’s Fifth Column 0

Thomas Geoghegan offers a theory as to why the Trump and the Trumpettes are so hostile to the U. S. aiding Ukraine in its battle to defeat the Russian invaders. Here’s a tiny bit from his article:

Aid to Ukraine, as Biden and the Democrats have made it, requires a belief in the U.S. or at least a belief in electoral democracy, civility, and our constitution. But that is what the far right attacks. Biden frames support for Ukraine as bolstering democracy over authoritarianism and order versus expansionism. Aid to Ukraine is also an implicit judgment of Trump—the moral equivalent of denouncing January 6 here. And, of course, aid to Ukraine was the casus belli of Trump’s first impeachment when the 45th president threatened to make military aid to Ukraine dependent on Volodymyr Zelensky’s complicity in smearing the Bidens. For Trump and his allies, Kyiv’s comic actor turned wartime hero is a mortal enemy far more dangerous than Hunter Biden Liz Cheney. Zelensky’s integrity and self-sacrifice are antithetical to Trump’s disdain for public purpose. Trump does not even feign any interest other than private interest. Of course, aid to Ukraine is in trouble—it is a defense of democracy in which the Trumpian far right no longer believes.

The whole piece is worth the few minutes it will take you to read it.


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