Gamers 1
It came to me this morning as I was cooking breakfast.
It’s a game.
They sit there in their easy chairs, punching buttons.
Avatars move about the screen. It doesn’t matter what happens to the avatars because, you see, they are inexhaustible. New ones leap up when old ones are gone.
The power pills give the gamer eternal life.
And the avatars, well, they have no personal lives. They exist only to be manipulated.
There need be no reason for the game.
The game exists for its own sake.
It exists only to give the gamers the thrill of control, the illusion of mastery.
And, as it is fantasy, rules and laws don’t mattter. The gamer can do whatever he wants, because, after all, it’s his game.
Any hack or cheat he can get away with is okay, because, you see, he is in charge and no one and nothing else matters–not lives, not laws, not right and wrong.
Here’s where they hang out.
My friends, we are being gamed every day.
October 5, 2007 at 6:34 pm
I resemble that remark.