Clone Wars category archive
Droning On 0
At The Boston Review, Alex de Waal questions the underlying rationale for raining robot death from the skies. A snippet:
These are valid concerns, but there are others, even more basic. We should question the logic of the drone in the first place.
Follow the link for the rest. It is worth a look.
Droning On . . . 0
. . . but you wouldn’t know it in Apple’s walled orchard.
Droning On 0
Firing in the skies:
Russell Percenti allegedly shot at the remote-control aircraft as it flew over his neighbor’s home on the 1000 block of Seaside Drive in Erma, Lower Township, in September of last year, according to the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office.
Droning On 0
Boys and their toys.
My brother sent me this link from a publication for the agricultural industry, which hopes to use small drones to monitor irrigation, crop growth and health, and the like.
UAVs can have important uses in agriculture, law enforcement and many industries, but Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials are worried about drones whizzing around airports and over high-security sites across the nation.
Droning On 0
Kevin Drum reflects on boys and their toys.
Droning On, Meet the Polite Society 0
From the BBC:
Three shots from his Benelli short-barrel shotgun took the craft out of the sky.
“I went to my safe, retrieved my shotgun, went back out,” he said. “I felt that I was well within my rights as an American citizen to defend my property.”
He explained that he was concerned that the drone was invading his privacy and that of his daughters and that it was not the first time a drone had been sighted in the area.
Four men, including the owner of the downed drone, later confronted Mr Meredith outside his house.
Mr. Meredith was arrested and charged with “offences relating to the discharge of a firearm.”
As much as I disdain the reckless, feckless deployment of firearms, I must confess that, if Mr. Meredith starts a GoFundMe for his defense, I might kick in five bucks.
Droning On 0
Get out of my way!
I want to play,
with my drrrooooonnnnneee.
In the past month alone, four drone incursions have halted firefighting activity in California, according to Shawna Legarza director of fire and aviation for the U.S. Forest Service.
Many depressing details at the link.
Frankly, this self-absorbed thoughtless me-me-me idiocy makes selfie-sticks look intelligent.
Droning On 0
Expect more of this as stupid takes to the air.
The 25-year-old woman stood among the crowd near Fourth Avenue and Madison Street when the 18-by-18-inches drone crashed into a building and dropped into the mass of spectators, hitting the woman in the head, police reports say.
Droning On 0
Who could have predicted?
Guess it wasn’t high enough.
Droning On 0
Expensive toys:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has been flying surveillance drones for nearly a decade, launching them from bases in Texas, Florida, North Dakota and Arizona. It currently has nine Predator B models — a modified version of the MQ-9 Reaper drone flown by the Air Force — and has plans to more than double the size of its drone fleet to 24 as part of a $443 million expansion.
Droning On 0
I sty with my little spy . . . .
Some of the pools of waste, he says in the video, are the size of four football fields. Devries also said some of the waste is sprayed in the air, contaminating adjacent neighborhoods.
Droning On 1
It occured to me last night that that jingoistic chestnut, The Green Berets, from the Viet Nam era needs updating. Here’s a try at it:
Flying robots in the sky,
Raining death as they spy,
Making war the American way,
Flown by gamers a world away.
Air power, robotic or not, will succeed in today’s Middle East, whatever the hell “succeed” means there, as thoroughly as it did in Viet Nam, whatever the hell “success” would have meant there. The war in Iraq, like the one in Viet Nam, was based on a lie, and our falling for the lie is not a reason to keep fighting for the lie.
Droning On 2
I found out when I was a teen-aged boy that “because you can” is not a good reason for doing something.
Droning On 0
It would appear that “drone” is becoming a generic term for “radio-controlled aircraft.” Some yo-yo in Florida (yeah, I know, oxymoron) lost control of his little helicopter.
Lake County Assistant Fire Chief Jack Fillman said the woman suffered cuts from the drone’s spinning propellers, but did not suffer serious injuries.
I’m fine with that. The more bad publicity those things get, the better.
Also, get off my lawn.
Droning On 0
Colbert drones on about “self-aware flying Roombas.”
Below the fold in case it autoplays.