From Pine View Farm

Personal Musings category archive

Stray Thought, Textual Interpretation Dept. 0

Judging from the activity of my telly fones, the “Do Not Call List” is thoroughly castrated, so I reckon that my wish for a “Do Not Text List” is a lost cause. But, honest to Betsy, I’m sick of unsigned texts from unknown phones asking me to support/contribute to/vote for this or that pol/cause/campaign.

If they signed their names, I might feel more charitabl–On second thought, no.

Obnoxious and intrusive is obnoxious and intrusive, signed or unsigned.

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Devolution 0

We have gone from the President who “could not tell a lie” to the President who cannot tell the truth.


“Those Who Forget History . . . .” 0

I suspect that I am not the only person to fear that the leaders (Johnson:EU::Trump:NATO) of certain English-speaking countries that fought World War II have chosen to forget lessons learned from that struggle.



Sometimes I can sort of maybe understand where PETA is coming from a perhaps a tiny little bit, then they come out with something like this.


Stray Thought 0

In the great majority of cases, a so-called “moderate Republican” is one who must wrestle with his or her conscience before doing the wrong thing.


A Day in the Life 0

(Scene: Dentist’s office, as I requested a reminder card for my next appointment.)

Me: I forgot my phone, so I had to do something not many persons do any more.

Receptionist: Take notes?

Me: No. Think.


Brand Gestures 0

The notion that “branding” is ipso facto the answer to everything (or, for that matter, anything) is unutterably stupid.


Demasculation 0

It is amusing, in a dark and sinister manner, to watch all those responsible gun owners panic at the prospect of any restrictions on their portable phalli.


Stray Thought 0

The volume of unread email I have to delete has certainly decreased since the election.


Stray Thought 0

There’s nothing like outsmarting a plumbing problem to brighten a Harry Homeowner’s day.


Stray Thought, Wasted Electrons Dept. 0

The amount of junk email I receive has decreased since November 5.

But now I’m getting texts from spammers wanting to sell me Trump Junk.


Looking Stuff Up Is Important 0

I’m currently listening to The Mystery of 31 New Inn by R. Austin Freeman, who is distinguished as the first mystery novelist to employ forensic science in his novels.

All the Librivox audio books are read by volunteers. In this particular reading, reference is made to Trichinopoly cigars (those of you who have read The Canon may recall references to them).

The volunteer who reads this chapter refers to them as try-KEEN-o-poh-ly cigars.

Words fail me.

(Otherwise, the reader does an excellent job.)

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Stray Thought 0

Every time I go to the polls, one of the poll workers offers me an “I voted” sticker.

This is perversely reversed.

The persons who do not vote should wear stickers.


The Candidates Debate 1

And I don’t care.

In the unlikely case that you’re curious as to why I pay no attention to candidate debates, it’s that they have devolved into substance-less side shows.


Another Sign of a Crumbling Civilization 0

I ran out of ink for my fountain pen.

I had to order a new bottle on line, as it’s no longer available in my local physical emporium.


Stray Thought 0

Donald Trump has demonstrated one thing conclusively. Neither the Republican Party nor Republicans are capable of shame.


“Years Ago” at the Recycling Center 0

Woman (almost wistfully): That seems like years ago.

Me: What?

She: Your bumper sticker.

Me: Which bumper sticker?

She: Clinton/Kaine. . . .


Stray Question 0

Whatever happened to whitewall tires?

They seem to have disappeared.


Customer Care 0

I got a call from the “business development” arm of my hosting provider yesterday to inquire as to what needs I might have. They call about once a quarter.

After introductory pleasantries, I informed the caller that my site is not a business site, but a hobbyist site (unsaid was, “So whatever you’re selling, I ain’t buying”). He asked, “By the way, what’s the hobby?”

I said, “Running a website.”

That’s when he started laughing . . . .

(By the by, I am quite happy with my hosting provider, particularly with the tech support, which has proven extremely competent. It’s the calibre of the tech support that keeps me with them. I don’t need tech support often, because I generally know what I’m doing, but, when I do need it, I need it bad.)


Stray Thought 0

One indicator that a TV show or movie is from the last century is that the characters find payphones whenever they need to make telephone calls.
