Personal Musings category archive
Stray Thought 0
Late in the evening and I’m craving a cup of coffee because one the characters in To Wake the Dead by John Dickson Carr (the master of the locked room mystery) is named “Melitta.”
I need better filters.
Use Time Wisely 0
No, I did not watch the SOTU (or, as Juanita Jean aptly dubbed it, the STFU).
As I have mentioned before in these electrons, I refuse to spend hours in front of my telly vision for something I can read about in ten minutes the next day.
Ralph Northam 0
I waited a bit before commenting on this story, as I have found that initial reports are often flawed, especially when promulgated by twits on Twitter and frolickers on Facebook. He is the governor of my state and I supported him.
And he has been a decent and reasonable governor.
My primary reaction is disappointment. Plunging-to-the-bottom-of-the-well disappointment.
As my local rag pointed out in an excellent editorial, these events happened in 1984, not in 1924, and there’s no conceivable excuse for someone over the age of consent not knowing that blackface and Klan robes are vile and racist.
Hell, I’m two decades older than him, and I knew that when I was still in high school.
Should he resign? Not for me to say–who am I to call for resignation? I’m just a third-tier blogger with opinions and a keyboard–but I suspect he likely will eventually do so.
It’s frustrating, though, as Republican office-holders with track records of overtly racist conduct while in office serve out their terms and, indeed, seek higher office, with impunity.
Are his political career and his effectiveness as a leader toast? Oh, yes-indeedy-do, with butter and marmalade.
I’m from the Eastern Shore, as is Northam (though I never knew any Northams when I was growing up). I’m still scratching my head about why my local rag decided to describe the Shore as “rural and rugged.” It is a lot of things, including rural, but “rugged” isn’t one of them.
No News Is No News 0
I know it’s really really cold in parts of the country and I am in no way wishing to minimize that–in face, I’m glad that we’re not in the path of the blast–but this item is, as Zandar is fond of saying, StupidiNews.
Remember, I worked for the railroad for 25 years.
There’s nothing new about railroads’ putting hotpots next to switches to keep switches from icing up. As I write this, it’s -19 Fahrenheits in Chicago. The hotpots would likely be there were it +19 Fahrenheits, if icing were a threat.
The AP should be ashamed of itself.
Purists on Parade 0
Shorter Dick Polman: The perfect is the enemy of the good.
At this point, I pay no attention to who wants the Democratic nomination for President.
But my disdain for the “I agree with 90% of your positions but once you said something that hurt my fee-fees so I’m taking my vote and going home” crowd remains undiluted.
Also, any Democratic nominee is certain to be better than every Republican nominee, regardless of his or her flaws.
Vote in the real world, for Pete’s sake.
Walleyed Piker 0
When you hear Donald Trump babble on about a “wall,” remind yourselves of how well the Great Wall of China worked.
(Hint: It didn’t.)
Mark Twain Understood America 0
If you want to understand the rise of Donald Trump, dig out a copy of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and read the chapters about the Duke and the Dauphin.
Missing the Point 0
One of the purposes of the social contract is that persons can attend public events without needing armed guards.
The Intruder 0
A Quibble:
I would argue that it’s not Democrats who were caught unawares; Democrats are aware.
That’s why they are Democrats.
It’s the purists, the “both sides do it,” the “both sides are equally bad,” the “my vote doesn’t count,” the “they’re all alike” crowds and their dupes, symps, and fellow travelers who left the back door open while they were busily uploading selfies to Infantgram and posting screeds at the Zuckerborg.
Stray Thought 0
Some suggested alternative names for “Grey’s Anatomy.”
- The Bold and the
SuturedBootied. - The Young and the Residents.
- The Edge of Knife.
- As the World Sedates.
- All My Interns.
- Search for Tracheotomy.
- One Life to Give.
Someone in this household has become addicted to that show. I concede that it is quite well-written, but, honest to Pete and Betsy both, I’ve worked in some dysfunctional workplaces, but this one tops them all real or imagined.
And it’s survived for 16 seasons.