From Pine View Farm

Political Economy category archive

Market Farces 0

Peter is reading

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This New Gilded Age 0

As Mark Twain pointed out, history does not repeat itself, but it often echoes.


This New Gilded Age 0

Sam and the crew talk with Anne Kim, contributing editor at Washington Monthly, about the roots of the privitization scam.


The Lake Effect 0

The Arizona Republic’s E. J. Montini thinks that the Lake may running drying up.


How Stuff Works: Tickle On Economics 0

Chart showing growing disparity between the rich and everyone else since the advent of

Via Job’s Anger.


This New Gilded Age 0

Farron looks at the “Heritage” Foundation’s Project 2025 plan to raise taxes for the poor, who have litle money, and lower taxes for the rich, who have lots of money.


Courting Disaster 0

Joe Patrice dissects the duplicity of Cannon’s law.


How Stuff Works: Greedflation 0

Gabby is behind her lemonade stand where lemonade is priced at $1.00.  Michael says,

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The Business of America Is Giving America the Business 0

Title:  A Brief History of Self-Regulation.  Frame One, captioned

Via Job’s Anger.


This New Gilded Age 0

Thom explains Trumponomics.


This New Gilded Age 0

Thom discusses how trickle-on economics has made the rich richer and the poor poorer.


How Stuff Works 0

B. c.:  Who wins the war between the middle class and the poor?  Thor:  The rich.

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Patriot Gamer 0

Donald Trump, standing in front of Iwo Jima flag-raising statue holding a can of spray paint after spraying

And, speaking of Patriot Gamers, there’s Florida Man.

Image via Job’s Anger.


Crossing the Jordan 0

Farron comments on Fani Willis’s response to Jim Jordan’s attempts to thwart the rule of law.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Caption:  Deficit Attention Disorder.  Imaage:  Republican Elephant says,

Via Job’s Anger.


The Gut Feeler 0

Image One:  A question is posed,

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A Stand-By Guy 0

Mother and child labeled Ukraine hang by their fingertips from a cliff.  Above, Mike Johnson looks down at them saying,

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Republicans: “Help Only the Truly Needy” (Updated) 0

President Biden sits at a desk behind a sign reading

Via Job’s Anger.


Daniel Ruth.


Trump’s Money Shtick 0

Seth follows the money.


Self-Made Men Lucky Ducks 0

Sam talks with Professor Ingrid Robeyns about the tendency of persons to attribute to virtue or divine favor that which is actually the result of pure dumb luck.
