Republican Hypocrisy category archive
Blowing in the Wind, Reprise 0
PoliticalProf observes that Republicans seem to really want to do away with the federal government, except when they need it.
If One Standard Is Good, Two Much Be Better 0
PoliticalProf seems to think that one thing is not like the other thing.
Republican Family Values 0
The editorial board of the Las Vegas Sun notes the “mean for the sake of mean” appears to be a Republican Family Value.
But It Calls Itself the “Party of Personal Responsibility” . . . . 0
The editorial board of the Charlotte Observer opines that North Carolina Republicans are providing a tutorial in how to excuse the inexccusable.
A Notion of Immigrants 0
The Des Moines Register’s Rekha Basu highlights the hypocrisy of Donald Trump’s fear mongering about those from foreign shores. Here’s a tiny bit:
Follow the link for a link to the Esquire story and more Trumpian hypocrisy (of which there seems an unending supply).
If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0
That’s the guiding principle of today’s Republican Party.
“Childless Cat Ladies” 0
At the San Francisco Chronicle, a self-proclaimed childless dog lady responds. Here’s a tiny bit from her article:
There is truth in the idea that the United States isn’t supportive of families, but the solution isn’t to ban contraceptives and abortion or defund support systems for single mothers, as Roberts and his colleagues would do. Absurdly, the right-wing approach presupposes that a policy of forced birthing is preferable to bettering the lives of the people alive now through expanded educational and work opportunities, strict gun control to end school shootings, ample and paid parental leave and subsidized childcare.