From Pine View Farm

“That Conversation about Race” category archive

Karen Karen-Like 0

Karen wields a mean meme.


Republican Family Values 0

Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett highlights the hypocrisy.

Via C&L, which has commentary.


Republican Thought Police in This New Gilded Age 0

Title:  It's 2025.  Time To Be Oligarchically Correct.  Frame One, captioned

Click for the original image.


Still Rising Again after All These Years,
Republican Thought Police Dept.

Scott Maxwell parses the perfidy of Florida AG Ashley Moody.

No excerpt or summary can do his article justice. Just go read it.


Republican Family Values 0

As has been noted before in these electrons, mean for the sake of mean appears to be a pirmary, if not the primary, Republican family value.

David has more. in this case, regarding the fires in California:


Driving Defensively on the Disinformation Superhighway 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Bill Eddy notes that (emphasis added):

  • Social media and some news outlets often include false information which can feel true from repetition.
  • Research shows that false and emotional information spreads farther and faster than the truth.

He then suggests ten questions that can be helpful in parsing perfidy. Here’s a snippet; follow the link for the full list.

Will the speaker/writer personally benefit by saying what they are saying . . . .


Karen Karen-Like 0

A Karen tries to fly the fiendly skies but instead just makes them fiendlier.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Monnica T Williams explores the harm done by racist (and, by extension, other bigoted) microaggressions. She points that their being “micro” doesn’t make them any less “aggressions.” A snippet:

When a white family member understands that a loved one’s pain isn’t an isolated incident, but part of a larger pattern of racism, their perspective deepens. Instead of dismissing microaggressions as misunderstandings, they begin to see them as reflections of a systemic problem that needs to be addressed.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Among other things, Thom and former FBI agent Mike German discuss the origins of the Second Amendment. It’s likely not what you expect it to be and certainly not what the NRA and its dupes, symps, and fellow travelers would want you to think.

Frankly (I do everything frankly), it rather took me aback, but it did not surprise me.


A Notion of Immigrants 0


A Notion of Immigrants 0

Farron runs the numbers that show that the invasion of illegal immigrants wasn’t.

It was a talking based on a lie.

It’s a simple formula. Hate sells.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

In the midst of a long article about how the next few years are likely to be–er–difficult, the Rude One presents what methinks is an apt description of the current who-shot-John over H1B visas in the Republican Party:

It’s a battle between the racist capitalists and racist isolationists over who is the better racist . . . .


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Frame One, captioned

Click to view the original image.


A Notion of Immigrants 0

David dissects the racism and bigotry underlying the choice by Donald Trump and his dupes, symps, and fellow travelers to blame the New Orleans Bourbon Street attack on immigrants when, in fact, said attack was perpetrated by an American-born American military veteran. Methinks his reasoning to be spot on. (Warning: Short promo at the end.)


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

From the you-can’t-make-this-stuff-up files: A member of the New Secesh laments having to give up freedom of screech.

We are a broken polity.


The Entrance Exam, a Notion of Immigrants Dept. 0

Mike Luckovich decodes de code.

Baby 2025 approaches.  MAGA-hatted man holds up a color chart to his skin, finds that it's white, and says,

Click for the original image.


Still Rising Again after All These Years, Reprise 0

Farron makes a persuasive case that Donald Trump has made racism acceptable great again.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Signs of the times.

My Daddy fought Nazis in the Ardennes.

Were he still with us, he would be–er–somewhat distressed to find home-grown Nazis on the homefront betraying the very cause that he fought for.


Karen Karen-Like 0


“Those Who Cannot Remember the Past Are Condemned To Repeat It”* 0

And, remember, there are those who don’t want us to remember the past, because they do want us to repeat it, and they still rising again after all these years.


*George Santayana.
