“That Conversation about Race” category archive
Twits on Twitter X Offenders
A X offender with a notion of immigrants.
Disparate Treatment 0
Michael in Norfolk sums the position of the party of the Secesh today’s Republican Party on civil rights (emphasis added):
Follow the link for the rest of his article.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
Writing at the Portland Press-Herald, Victoria Hugo-Vidal hears a disturbing rhyme, one that she says “brought me back to Germany in 1938.” Follow the link to find out why.
It’s one I also hear.
*Mark Twain.
Know Them by the Company They Keep 0
Joe Conason looks at J. D. Vance’s recent remarks during a visit to Germany and makes a strong case that Vance is running with a bad crowd.
Just go read it.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
In a letter to the editor of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about today’s Republican Party’s war on DEI, Suzanne Moynihan decodes de code.
The Game Plan 0
In The Minnesota Star-Tribune, in a longer article by ten health professionals about the right-wing’s jihad against trans youth (who, remember, are minuscule portion of the population), the authors sum up the strategy of today’s Republican Party as succinctly as can be done:
Manufacturing a good enemy is the best way to stay in power.
follow the link for their evidence.
The Privatization Scam 0
Maddy Wheelock details the duplicity. A snippet;
Republican Family Values 0
Yet more evidence that leads one to consider the possibility that mean for the sake of mean is a Republican family value . . . .
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
At the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Robert Hill reminds us that there’s nothing new about current white supremacist backlash against DEI.
It’s but the latest in a long line of attempts to keep the downtrodden trodden down.
Follow the link for a list.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
And now they’re even Bragging about it.
Their cover story is flimsier than a house made out of straw.
It’s quite clear to what audience they bow.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
At the Washington Monthly, Robert J. Shapiro hears a most disturbing rhyme. Here’s a couple of bits from his article:
And in Schmitt’s framework, when enemies at home or abroad gain notable political sway, it creates a grave emergency that warrants executive action outside the law. It’s clear why Schmitt was the favored theorist for the Nazi party and a senior jurist in the Third Reich.
*Mark Twain.
A Notion of Immigrants 0
At Northjersey.com, Laura Morowitz argues forcefully that Donald Trump’s hostility towards immigrants is fundamentally nothing more than another case of mean for the sake of mean.
A Notion of Immigrants 0
Donald Trump spreads racist bigoted xenophobic bunk about immigrants.
Katharine Davies Samway and Lucinda Pease-Alvarez debunk de bunk.