“That Conversation about Race” category archive
The Rule of Flaw 0
I go to sleep worrying about the American dream.
I wake up to the American scream.
I am not sanguine.
Still Rising after All These Years 0
If at first you can’t secede, try, try again.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
At the Portland Press-Herald, Victoria Hugo-Vidal hears a rhyme. Here’s a tiny bit of her column:
At the same time as Victor was hiding his heritage, on the other side of the family on the other side of the country, in upstate New York, my other great-great-grandfather, Garrett MacEachron, joined the domestic terrorist group known as the Ku Klux Klan.
I commend the entire piece to your attention.
*Mark Twain.
A Pet Theory 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Robert Bartholomew notes that there is nothing new about stories of immigrants eating pets Here’s a bit of his article (emphasis added); follow the link for context.
Republican Family Values 0
Apparently, telling racist jokes is a Republican family value.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
They’re not even trying to hide it any more.
The Confluence 0
Steve M. takes a look at this weekend’s Trump rally in Madison Square Garden (which, I must note, is neither square nor located at Madison Square, but I digress), where Trump’s supporters openly flaunted their racism, and notes an overlap. Here’s a bit about the overlap:
The Disinformation Superhighway 0
The things that you’ve seen,
And can read on your screen,
They ain’t necessarily so.
“History Does Not Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”* 0
Writing at the Detroit Free Press, Arlene Frank, a daughter of Holocaust survivors who immigrated to the United States, listens to Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and hears a rhyme.
Here’s a bit:
Follow the link to read the article.
*Mark Twain.
“They Want Apartheid Back” 0
Thom talks with a caller about why some people vote Republican, even though Republicans’ “policies” are inimical to their health and well-being. He offers a simple explanation.
As someone who grew up under Jim Crow and remembers my Daddy making sure he had paid his poll taxes, who was in school during desegregation, who trained in U. S. History with an emphasis on U. S. Southern, and who freaking pays attention to what’s going on, I find it difficult to take exception to Thom’s argument.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Jackie Calmes makes a compelling case that Donald Trump has shown us who he really is many times.
The question is, “Are enough people paying attention?”
The Privatization Scam 0
And it is a scam.
The Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts runs the numbers and shows that you can voucher on that.
A Notion of Immigrants 0
At Psychology Today Blogs, Joseph A. Shrand considers why so many would dehumanize those from other countries and cultures, aka “aliens.” Here’s a tiny bit from his essay; follow the link for the complete article.