From Pine View Farm

Politics of Hate category archive

The Week in Rebuke 0

Frame One, Title:  The Week that Was:  Checking in on the Party of Small Government, Personal Liberty, and Respect for the Rule of Law.  Frame Two, captioned

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A Rand Gesture 0


The Refugee 0

In the Tampa Bay Times, a Florida mother explains why the hate-full antics of Florida’s Governor DeSantis have convinced her to take her family and leave the state.


CPAC Unpacked 0

Stephen unpacks the CPAC crazy.

The truly chilling thing is that so many persons are onboard with the crazy.


The Bullies’ Pulpit 0

Stephanie Hayes thinks she has identified the location of said pulpit.


The Gag Order 0

Florida Man.


The Oathkeeper 0

Title:  MTG's Pledge of Allegiance.  Immage:  Marjorie Taylor Greene with her hand over her heart facing a flag bearing an arithmetic division symbol.

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Word Prey 0

The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Angry Grammarian thinks he may have identified the word in the right-wing’s crosshairs:

I’ve written previously about how the right stole woke and turned it into a derisive insult. A surge in national conversations about antiracism in recent years provoked a desire for an anti-antiracist response that didn’t sound so . . . racist. Woke–with its shifting part of speech and malleable definition–provided an opening.

Now it’s intersectionality’s turn.

Follow the link for his reasoning.


It’s Celebration Time, Come On! 0

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Gene Collier remarks on how one celebrant observed President’s Day. A snippet (emphasis added); follow the link for the complete piece.

While most Americans limit their Presidents Day celebrations to an earnest evaluation of whether it’s time for a new mattress, some have resolved to avoid holiday mattress sales altogether because they’re still embarrassed that they thought firm, plush, and pillow-top were the names of the Spice Girls. . . .

But most American are not Marjorie Taylor Greene, congresswoman from Georgia, who celebrated Presidents Day by honoring her favorite president, Jefferson Davis.


A Notion of Immigrants, Suffer the Children Dept. 0


Q. How Many Idiots Does It Take To Establish an Idiocracy? 0

A. Not many.


“No Room at the Inn” 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The sore loser.


I trust you realize that this meets the textbook definition of terrorism, i. e., violent acts to induce fear for political gain.


“Facts Are What People Think” 0

Florida Man.


A Tune for the Times 0


Republican Family Values 0

Frame One:  Voice comes from the Capitol saying,

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Dis Dishonorable Discourse 0

For Veterans Day, Frances Coleman shared some memories of her father, who fought in World War II (as did my own father).

She mused about what he fought for–and about what he didn’t fight for.

More than 400,000 American soldiers didn’t die in World War II so that today, we could spuriously accuse one another of stealing elections. They did not die so that manipulative candidates could maliciously pit voters against one another. Nor did they die so that we could try to limit, rather than expand, people’s access to the ballot box.

Especially, they didn’t die so that this country’s worst enemy could become its own people.

Follow the link for the rest of her article.


Sparky and the Values Voter 0

Sparky:  Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked by a lunatic with a hammer.  Republican:  Yes, I know.  Isn't it hilarious?  Sparky:  Uhhhh--you're talking about an 82 year old man who is currently recovering from a skull fracture.  Republican:  Yes, but there were some awesome memes about how he was in his underwear and had a spat with his gay lover.  Sparky:  All of which were quickly discredited by surveillance video and, you know, the attacker's own admission that he wanted to kidnap Nancy Pelosi and break her kneecaps.  Republican:  Well, the fact that I believed could have been true definitely says a lot.  Sparky:  Sure.  It says that Repubicans are depraved sociopaths who want to normalize violence against ideological opponents and also delegitimize the very concept of truth.  (Pause)  Republican:  I see you are determined to politicize this regrettable incident.  Sparky:  Weird how that happens.

Click for the original image.


Gutting Out the Vote 0

My friend saw a news report about the goons folks whe have been patrolling Arizona’s ballot drop boxes while carrying weapons and wearing body armor; she asked me if I knew anthing about it.

I said, “They claim that they are protecting the integrity of the vote, but they are actually right-wing–er–enthusiasts trying to intimidate voters.”


Know Them by the Company They Keep 0

Charles Blow notices a pattern.
