From Pine View Farm

What I Have Learned from Drug Commercials 2

It is really quite astounding what one can learn.

Apparently, as a nation, Americans can’t make a (ahem) move without drugs.

For example (Warning: May be almost as offensive as the commercials themselves):

American men can’t pee.

American women pee constantly.

Nevertheless, there are other things American women can’t do.

American men can’t get it up.

When they do get it up, they don’t know what to do with it.



  1. Karen

    February 27, 2010 at 3:50 pm

    Bogus, for the most of them. I read somewhere that the stuff in Activia doesn’t work on most women, that it’s destroyed by digestive enzymes.

    What they need to do is stop the direct to consumer advertising, like all the other countries, with the exception of New Zealand. Then get a tight squeeze on the amount of time that’s bought by ambulance chasers. Since CO went to straight liability instead of having to meet a threashold (sp?) all you see on the local channels are ads for them.

    I can’t believe Jimmy Johnson (former Dallas Cowgirls coach) is now hyping “Extenze” on the war channel.

  2. Comment Rescue, Fee Hand of the Market Dept. « From Pine View Farm

    February 28, 2010 at 12:14 am

    […] commenter to this post said: What they need to do is stop the direct to consumer advertising, like all the other […]

From Pine View Farm
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