Lies, Damned Lies, and Republicanisms 1
TPM reports:
Today, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs struck back.
Attempting to blame the government–local, state, or federal–for BP’s incompetence and penny-pinching is beyond skullduggery, though the determination of the Republican Party to destroy the federal regulatory apparatus comes into play.
But by now we know that they will say anything and everything to advance their cause. Truth is not an issue in WingnutWorld.
The Rude Pundit addressed this oil-gusher-is-Obama’s-Katrina sort of garbage last week (If you follow the link, remember that the Rude Pundit’s nom de blog is well-deserved; his language is such that I had to expurgate the quote, and this was the mildest paragraph of the lot).
As Harry Truman pointed out:
Times have changed. The Republican Party has not.
The Republican Party, now and ever the Party of Privilege.
All the rest is camouflage.
May 5, 2010 at 4:02 pm
[…] Like I said, all the rest is camouflage. […]