From Pine View Farm

First Son, Revisited (Updated) 1

A while ago, I mentioned that I deal with First Son’s job by pretty much not dealing with it. The post provoked almost a record number of comments for my little blog.

If anyone else is wondering why I try not to think of him on the ground in body armor on foreign soil, this should answer his or her questions.

Folks, it’s not a game over there.

That’s why it’s so wrong to send persons off to die for a lie.

Because just as the lies are real, so too are the death, the dismemberment, the injuries, the maimings, the cripplings, the life-long mental damage.

It’s bad enough when the sacrifice is for a good cause, but when it’s for lies . . . .

And what, my friends, does that make the liars?

(With a tip to Linda for the link.)

Addendum, 5/13/2007:

Hmmmm. No one seems to want to answer the question.


1 comment

  1. Linda

    May 14, 2007 at 1:32 pm

    I have only one answer, what does that make the liars, KILLERS.