From Pine View Farm

Limits 2

I remember when I was a young ‘un, pundits would talk about the limitless potential of the oceans to provide food.

Not so then, not so now.

From the BBC:

A species of skate could become the first marine fish driven to extinction by commercial fishing, say scientists.

A study reveals that an error in the classification of the species has meant researchers have failed to see just how close to the brink it is.



  1. Karen

    November 19, 2009 at 11:25 am

    And this would surprise who & why? People won’t be happy until they kill off everything that was here before them. Just because they can.

  2. Frank

    November 19, 2009 at 4:47 pm

    According to a show I listened to last week, commercial fishers are not fishing two miles deep and scarfing up fish that are 30 and more years old.  Those fish will not be replaced next year.