From Pine View Farm

Little Ricky’s Legacy 0

Dick Polman thinks that Little Ricky’s campaign, now “suspended” (whatever that means), has severely damaged Mitt the Flip:

So the Santorum Effect continues. Having forced Romney to waste big bucks on an intramural fight, at a time when Romney would have greatly preferred to spend that money on autumn organizational infrastructure; and having exposed Romney’s political weakness (it took Mitt four months and tens of millions of dollars to beat a cash-strapped guy in a sweater vest), Santorum is now the gold standard for conservatism. The GOP base will judge Romney in accordance with that standard.

And Santorum will be with us again. Having made the case to the right that Romney is phony, he will soon do the opposite and seek to rally the base to Romney – to prove his loyalty to the party, of course, because he wants to nurture his prospects for 2016 (if Romney loses) or 2020 (if Romney wins). Ah, politics and its endless ironic iterations.

Meanwhile, Field wonders what Mitt has to do to be relabeled from flipper to liar. A snippet:

The man has been lying from day one. In fact, one could argue that his entire campaign in the republican primary has been built on a lie. (Etch A Sketch anyone?)

    “During a debate in November, when moderator Wolf Blitzer introduced himself by saying that “Wolf” is really his first name, Romney greeted the audience by saying, “I’m Mitt Romney, and yes, Wolf, that’s also my first name.” In fact, Willard is his first name. It’s a lie notable for being so mundane: Why would someone fudge their name? It’s almost as if he can’t control himself.”

I don’t think he can.


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