From Pine View Farm

Romneyus Panderus 0

I seldom read Thomas Friedman.

His are generally substance-less, but important-sounding multi-syllabic fulminations which make the reader glow with a sense up superior knowldege while contributing little to public discourse and much to carbon dioxide build-up (except perhaps for his inadvertently contributing to time management the concept of the Friedman Unit).

He is the David Brooks of the vaguely slightly to the left of David Brooks crowd.

Nevertheless, as my old boss used to say, even a blind pig finds an acorn sometimes.

I’ll make this quick. I have one question and one observation about Mitt Romney’s visit to Israel. The question is this: Since the whole trip was not about learning anything but about how to satisfy the political whims of the right-wing, super pro-Bibi Netanyahu, American Jewish casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, why didn’t they just do the whole thing in Las Vegas? I mean, it was all about money anyway — how much Romney would abase himself by saying whatever the Israeli right wanted to hear and how big a jackpot of donations Adelson would shower on the Romney campaign in return. Really, Vegas would have been so much more appropriate than Jerusalem. They could have constructed a plastic Wailing Wall and saved so much on gas.


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