From Pine View Farm

Big Silver Bird 2

I frequently travel to Southern California on business, and usually end up on America West. They’ve generally done a good job for me since they emerged from bankruptcy–only one missed connection, and I can’t blame the airline for violent thunderstorms in Philadelphia.

If you don’t know, America West no longer offers complimentary food service on any of their flights. Instead, they offer food for sale. Usually, I come equipped with a bag of beef jerky and a couple of packs of cheese crackers, but my flight took off early today and I didn’t want crackers for breakfast, so when the crew came around offering their meals for sale, I got one: a hot ham, cheese, and egg sandwich.

The eggs were okay. The ham was actually pretty good. The cheese, well, I’m a sucker for cheese, real or artificial.

But, frankly, someone in their menu planning staff needs a reality check. The sandwich would have been good on rye, good on pumpernickel, good on wheat, okay on sponge bre–American white bread.

But on cinnamon-raison bread?

Aside from that, the flight worked. I lived in metal tubes for six and a half hours and survived, made my connections, and got to my destination on time. And my seat mates all weighed less than 300 pounds.



  1. Second Son

    November 6, 2005 at 9:56 pm

    And who got you there, huh? Heh, have a good trip dad.

  2. Frank

    November 6, 2005 at 10:11 pm

    Hold down the fort.

From Pine View Farm
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