From Pine View Farm

May, 2015 archive

All the News that Fits 0


Republican Family Values, a Summary 0

Orin Kerr:

If I understand the history correctly, in the late 1990s, the President was impeached for lying about a sexual affair by a House of Representatives led by a man who was also then hiding a sexual affair, who was supposed to be replaced by another Congressman who stepped down when forced to reveal that he too was having a sexual affair, which led to the election of a new Speaker of the House who now has been indicted for lying about payments covering up his sexual contact with a boy. Yikes.

Yep, that pretty much sums up the flim-flam.

Via Joe. My. God.


Cooch and the Cuckoos, the Reunion Tour 0

Dan Casey highlights the hypocrisy. The article defies excerpting or summary.

Just read it.


Helm’s Derp 0

Texan axle deep in flood water upon seeing FEMA aid copter:

. . . and anyone who doesn’t realize that the hysterical wingnut myth of Obama martial law is rooted in racism–in the Secesh’s subconscious dread of another Nat Turner seeking revenge upon the oppressor and the wannabe oppressor–is a damn fool.

Via The Bob and Chez Show Blog.


Say Yes to the Dress Down 0

Is it just me, or is the silly season starting early this year?

Elizabeth Ann Harrison, 54, of Spring View Court was charged with third-degree assault and battery. She was placed in the Rock Hill city jail and released Thursday on a personal recognizance bond.

Harrison and another woman on Wednesday got into an argument at Restore Our Community over an upcoming fashion show the clients were preparing for, according to a police report. An employee told police she saw the two women arguing about “who was going to wear a particular dress in the show.”


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

No safe harbor . . . .

A husband and wife were injured Thursday after losing control of a gun while placing it into a new safe.



Samuel Pepys:

Saw a wedding in the church. It was strange to see what delight we married people have to see these poor fools decoyed into our condition.


Different Game, Different Rules 0

Congressmen looking at headlines about FIFA bribery indictments:  Good think this isn't soccer.


Multi-Tasking Is Bunk 0

Turns out we really can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.


Flash Point 0

Too many cameras at too many events in the hands of too many narcissistic prima donnas leads to no good.

A physical altercation between adults disrupted a promotion ceremony for hundreds of T.R. Smedberg Middle School eighth-graders at the Sheldon High School stadium Friday morning, triggering calls to the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, authorities said. . . .

Officers responding to the episode reported that the fight started when words were exchanged over one of the men blocking others by taking a photograph.

“Physical altercation,” indeed.


Graduation ceremonies from middle school are silly and stupid.

Second Son had a graduation ceremony from pre-school to kindergarten. That was also silly and stupid.


The “Marvel Movie Universe” 0

Six-minute cartoons that are three hours long. Who woulda thunk?


Republican Family Values 0

One more time: Republican Family Values (TM) are a con, a fraud, and a flim-flam, hot air you can use to dry your socks, as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal, signifying nothing.

The only question is this: which “family values” Republican will be the next to be hoist on his own pe-er, um-tard?

Give me an honest lech every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

(Honest to Pete, you can’t make this stuff up.)


Facebook Frolics, George of the Jungle Dept. 0

Watch out for that tree!

Via Atrios.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The 15-year-old boy was shot in the abdomen with a small-caliber handgun shortly before 6 p.m. in the 200 block of Cedar Street, according to Sgt. Charlie Spruill. The boy was taken to a hospital, where he is undergoing surgery and is listed in stable condition, Spruill said. . . .

The father appears to have been examining the gun, which was legally owned, to determine if it was in working order when it accidentally discharged, Spruill said. No arrest has been made as of this evening.

I guess it worked.



Carol Anshaw:

I think we are all coming to realize the web in all its manifestations is a sucking time hole.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0


The Disney Princess Industrial Complex 0


Have Cake, Eat It Too 0

Texan holding sign,

Via Juanita Jean. (Link fixed.)


Facebook Frolics 2

Gwendolyn Seidman puts Facebook on the couch at Psychology Today Blogs.


“Welfare Queens” 0

They aren’t who you think they are, as The Bangor Daily News explains. A snippet (emphasis added):

Over the last five years, judges have ordered nearly $951,000 in restitution from recipients who defrauded benefits programs, or about $190,000 a year. During the same time, the state has recovered nearly $61 million in state and federal money from providers for Medicare fraud, or more than $12 million a year.

Following the money, the focus should be on provider fraud, not demonizing individual recipients of benefits.

“We shouldn’t ignore eligibility fraud,” (Maine–ed.) Attorney General Janet Mills said last year. “We shouldn’t ignore recipient fraud; we shouldn’t ignore any allegations that somebody is getting state or federal benefits who isn’t really eligible for them, but the big fish are the corporations, the major pharmaceutical companies and the providers that have been ripping off the state Medicaid program for years to the tune of millions of dollars.”

Think about that the next time you see one of those commercials for something you probably don’t need at a price which goes unstated along with assurances that it’s “covered by Medicare.”
