From Pine View Farm

Found at the Barbershop 1

I got a haircut today. About three months too late, but what the hey! I’m from the generation that believes hair should be long and skirts should be short.

While I was waiting, I picked up a copy of the Wilmington paper, which I seldom read because, frankly, it’s not very good. If it weren’t for the Boscov’s ads, the front page would be only four pages long. It’s a Gannett paper, from the people who gave you USA Today. That’s why I subscribe to the Inky–it takes longer than five minutes to finish it in the morning.

But there was an interesting article about our junior Senator. Apparently he’s started a blog which stands out amongst Congressional blogs:

In a town where most politicians’ online diaries are careful, calculated and dry as toast, “Carper’s Corner” reads like a Joseph Conrad novel.

The Democratic senator launched his weblog this month to chronicle his recent delegation visit to the Middle East. But he enjoyed blogging so much, he decided to make Carper’s Corner a weekly feature on his Web site.

You can check it out here.


1 comment

  1. Shari

    January 3, 2006 at 10:05 am

    The long hair and short skirts comment made me smile. Seems I may have heard that once or twice from you before!
    I followed the “short skirt” link and it brought me to a page with a woman wearing as a dress something that looks very similar to a SHIRT I have in my closet! Happy New Year Frank!

From Pine View Farm
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