From Pine View Farm

No More Poor Students? 0

According to today’s Inquirer

Conventional perceptions of budget-bound college students scraping by on ramen noodles and peanut butter are as out of date as a rotary phone, say experts who track the market. Today’s 16.4 million collegians are conspicuous consumers, spending more than $200 billion a year (not including tuition and housing), up from $93 billion a decade ago, according to Student Monitor, L.L.C., of Ridgewood, N.J.

I miss out on everything. I’m told the sexual revolution was going on when I was college. It sure missed me.

And my roommate and I dined courtesy of a (banned because the wiring couldn’t handle it) hotplate and refrigerator in our dorm room. No $5.00 coffees for us. $5.00 bought a meal at the local “prey on students” restaurant.

And now students have credit cards, $1300 a month apartments, and parents that keep giving them money.

All I can say is, didn’t happen to my kids!


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