Privacy, Smivacy, Part 4 0
According to news reports,
This report dates from 12/20/2005.
Nevertheless, even without any of the NSA data, the FBI had information in hand far enough ahead of 9/11 to act, if it had paid attention not to intercepted communications, but to its own staff.
Now comes Slate to inform us that
It is clear that the Bush spy machine was not put in motion by 9/11–it was already in motion.
It is clear that, even though the current Federal Administration had enough traditionally-obtained, lawfully-obtained evidence that something was afoot, it failed to act.
It is also clear that Messrs Cheney and Bush’s claim that they need to sneak around Americans’ backs, in contravention of the law, in reaction to 9/11 in order to protect those backs is so much horse-hockey.
They had already started the spying in motion. They were not spying to protect the American people from an Al Qaeda threat–there is ample evidence they discounted the Al Qaeda threat until about 9:00 a. m. on the morning of 11 September 2001.
They were spying because they wanted to. They have grabbed 9/11 as a horrifying pretext to justify the intrusion into American privacy and the violation of American rights that they had already started.
It is sad that persons so morally pathetic can also be so dangerous.