From Pine View Farm

Be Careful What You Put in Your Ears 1

Nothing smaller than an elbow:

Popular technology — not just the personal music player, iPod — could prove harmful to the hearing of the nation, and especially to that of the young, if it is not used properly, testing by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) suggests.

With media attention focused on the ubiquitous iPod, ASHA investigated further, testing the decibel levels of a range of randomly chosen devices that produce sound which is plugged into the ear.

Altogether, ASHA looked at nine examples of popular technology, including the iPod, several additional MP3 players for both adults and younger children, a lap top, and a pocket PC.

Test results underscore the need for a concerted public education so that consumers can safely enjoy society’s most popular technology, ASHA experts say.

“All of the devices we tested can produce sound well above the maximum safety level of 85 decibels,” Pam Mason, ASHA’s director of Audiology Professional Practices, reports. Irreparable hearing loss could result, Mason notes, her concern bolstered by recent research as well as accounts that Boomer icons like rockers Pete Townshend of The Who and Mick Fleetwood of Fleetwood Mac now have trouble hearing because of their long and constant exposure to excessively loud music.

This means you, Opie (anyone know where I left my Q-Tips?)


1 comment

  1. Second Son

    March 4, 2006 at 8:12 am

    Q-Tips? In the bathroom closet, right next to the catsup.

From Pine View Farm
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