From Pine View Farm

My Little Gas Price Survey, 2/23/05 1

Down, slightly. At least I can fill up the tank in my little yellow truck for less than $40.00 now. The amount of decrease reflects the difference between today and January 24 and 25. If no decrease is shown, it means that station was not included in the last post.

Looking back over the past few months, it seems that the prices have floated back to the normal relationships in these parts, with New Jersey a few cents cheaper than Delaware (because of lower gas taxes–the only New Jersey taxes that are lower than surrounding states) and those stations that are commonly on the high side, still on the high side.

Gibbstown, NJ, Valero, $2.11, down $.16.

Paulsboro, NJ, Lukoil, $2.09, down $.16.

Paulsboro, NJ, Exxon (TA Truck Stop), $2.09, down $.16.

Paulsboro, NJ, BP, $2.11, down $.18.

Claymont, Del., Exxon, $2.19, down $.27 (for a while, they had a sign out that said, “Exxon posts record profits. Don’t blame us.”).

Claymont, Del., Sunoco, $2.19, down $.16.

Claymont, Del., Getty, $2.17, down $.16.

Claymont, Del., BP, $2.17, down $.18.

Claymont, Del., Gulf (Cumberland Farms), $2.15, down $.16.

Claymont, Del., Gulf, $2.19, down $.14..

Claymont, Del, Wawa, $2.15, down $.16.

Holly Oak, Del, Mobil, $2.15, down $.16.

Penny Hill, Del., Exxon, $2.17.

Penny Hill, Del., BP, $2.15.

Penny Hill, Del., Getty, $2.19.


1 comment

  1. Bill

    February 26, 2006 at 4:42 pm

    On Thursday (2/23), I saw a Citgo (I think) station near the New Castle airport selling regular unleaded for $1.98/gallon. They had a line.

    Traveled to Blacksburg, VA over the Presidents’ Day weekend. Most stations in the Blacksburg/Christiansburg area were pumping regular near or below $2.00/gallon.

From Pine View Farm
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