From Pine View Farm

Some Snow Pix 1

Snow-covered truck


Somewhat Cleared Walk

Snow-covered Tree

Carr Road at Stony Run



1 comment

  1. Phillybits

    February 12, 2006 at 11:16 am

    Nice pictures. I’m working and I’d take some cell pics but they come out poorly. My folks were sups’d to fly back today from Mexico, but instead are getting rerouted to BWI, then are renting a car, and driving up to Philly.

    I told them to take a train.

    OT: Check my feed on your site. There’s a good post about Free Republic on FISA back in ’02. I posted it on dKos and it got on the recommended list. Interesting to see how things change from 6 years ago.

From Pine View Farm
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